Archive Resources

This historical archive of the correspondence of Harry William Manchester has been assembled and implemented with an assortment of information technology resources, herein described.

All photographs, letters, documents and other visual artifacts have been scanned into digital images using common desktop scanning equipment.

All digital images have been imported into the digiKam desktop image application, as the primary (and central) digital archive of the images.

All images have been processed within digiKam to apply:
1. A standard naming convention to each image file.
2. Appropriate searchable “categories” and “tags” to each image based upon the content of the image.
3. Applicable titles, captions, and commentary to each image based upon the content of the image.
4. Standard file naming and formatting of each image suitable for export to this website.

Microsoft Office products have been used to create the content transcripts of correspondence and other documents, and to provide a central repository of project management and artifact management controls.

Google Earth has been used to research locations referred to in the correspondence and other documents.

The WordPress content management system forms the basis of the website platform.

All digital images accessible from this website are served from Amazon Web Services content delivery platforms.