Artifact 1940-11-09-a – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 9, 1940


Aldershot England
November 9/40

Dear Franc:-

Well we’ve been well over a week without any mail from Can.

But then I’m going to write to you anyway. I haven’t had a letter from you since you got your tonsils out.

The last letter I have was from Onn. When she was staying with you after you came back from the hospital (having your tonsils out). Well I hope some mail soon comes in anyhow. I wrote Aunt Lil. A couple nites ago & to La Verne last nite. I And I don’t know whats the matter with me, but it seems like I write to Onn, every nite. I guess I must be love sick. Since I’ve read some of your letters what you say about her. Well I guess it makes me feel more towards her. Well I guess she’s worth having for a girl friend. The way she writes to me & the things she says. Well —I won’t say no more. I’ll have to write her another letter to-nite.

Gee I wished some of your mail would come so I’d know how you are feeling. You can’t imagine how much I’ve thought of you this past week &wondering how you are.

Has Elton had any more word about getting into Fords. You said that Murray told you, he might get in this winter. I hope he gets in anyhow!

Well Franc. I can’t think of much to say until I hear from you again & it’s about supper time. Altho we just had some coffee & cake about an hour ago. I wished you could see our little police office here. We are quite proud of it. Be sure & write me as often as you have time Franc. I go to a show about one nite a week & the rest of my spare time I just write letters. So you know how anxious I am to receive letters. Well I’ll close for to nite

Your Loving brother

*** End of Transcription ***


Artifact 1940-11-08 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“…I can’t say much to-nite. But I do wish I were back home.”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot England
November 8/40

Dear La Verne:-

Here it is almost bedtime & I just got off police duty. The Corporal of the police are here alone in our cozy little office & he’s making us a cup of good old Chase & Sanborns coffee. I just felt that I couldn’t put your letter off any longer. So decided I’d scratch a few lines before going to bed.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-11-08 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods”

Artifact 1940-11-07 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“He & I just upset a whole bottle of ink.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot England
November 7/40

Dear Sister:-

Well I was expecting Eva & her brother down to-day. But they didn’t show up. So I guess I’ll go to the show after supper.

I wrote to Onnellee last nite But I want to drop another line to-nite. If I have time. Also Aunt Lil. I haven’t heard from her yet.

Gee. I haven’t had any Canadien mail in a week. I expected some to-day. But it didn’t come

A bunch of Canadiens arrived the other day from Iceland. & are they a happy bunch. Bob Oakley that used to fork from for Les. Ash & Wane Tully. was amongst them. He had a bunch of pictures he took in Iceland. & what a desolate looking place. Not a tree in sight.

He gave me some Money he brought from there & I’m going to try & wrap it up & send it in this letter.

Gee Franc. I wish some mail would arrive from you & Onnellee You know I wasn’t going to write her last night But I went to the show& I couldn’t get her off my mind. So I had to write her before I went to bed.

There is an air raid on now & I soon have to go to supper. Gee I can’t understand why they fly over us & drop their eggs & none has come near us. Lucky Aren’t we? Well I’ll write some more after supper.

Well I’ve finished & what a louzy supper. I wish I could have supper with you some nighe.

They are starting to give the seven days leaves out now. & I expect to go in a couple weeks. Tweedale & Wilf. the guy I went on my last leave with. Are going together first this time & then I go next. If we go to Scotland. We get 2 days extra to toe travel on. So that’ll make me nine days all told

Well Franc. my (xxxx) lips I mean the sores on my lips are just about dried. And I feel much better. I cleeen cleaned my teeth to day for the first My lips were so sore before that I couldn’t stand to clean them.

Weel Franc. There isn’t much more to say. So I guess I’d better close for now. So I’ll say

Good Night

Your Loving Brother



This crazy Tweedale would drive the
best of men     nuts

He & I just upset a whole bottle of ink.

***   End of Transcription   ***


Artifact 1940-11-01 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Billie wrote a letter to me & put it in with Onn. He’s quite a boy Isn’t he?”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot England
November 1/40

Dear Sis:-

Well I received another letter from you this morn. Also two from Onn. I’m glad they come as often as they do & I hope you get all yours now. I am going to start numbering them on the back of the envelope the same as I have started with Onnellee’s & then you can tell if any are lost or not.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-11-01 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-10-27 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Gee that’s really news about Chuck & Inez getting married”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, England
October 27/40

Dear Frank:-

Was very pleased to hear rom you & the kiddies yesterday morning. I also got letters from Onn. & Pearl’s sister Rita.

The girls sure do write a swell letter for their ages. When we get our mail. We (the Police) are all in the office. & so I litte let Jimmie Tweedale read Marjorie’s & Marion’s letters. He thought they were pretty good. & I did too.

Well Franc. I am fine & I guess I have a lot to be thankful for, for feeling as good as I do. Of course I’m still homesick.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-27 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-10-24 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me for so long. It isn’t because I haven’t written. It must be as you said. It went down on that ship with those refugee children.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, England
October 24/40

My Dear Sister:-

Was so glad to get your letter yesterday. But I didn’t get a chance to answer it until to-nite. I also got on from Onn. & I’ll try & get hers answered too.

I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me for so long. It isn’t because I haven’t written. It must be as you said. It went down on that ship with those refugee children. I think that I’m getting all your mail tho’

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-24 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-10-19-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I was down to the bus depot yesterday aft. waiting for Eva to come in from London”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 19, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 19/40

Dear Franc:-

Well I wrote you a letter a couple days ago& then I received one from you the next morning. And was sure glad to get it.

I have sort of a cold. But otherwise I’m fine. I’m glad you are all well. I am getting your mail okay Franc. Only it takes time you know.

I received the six hundred cigs yesterday from you & La Verne. & I might say “Thanks a Million” I want to write La Verne too. & thank her for them. When you send them next time. I’d rather the winchesters if you can send them. But I should critizize critisize cuzz any kind is better than these limy cigs.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-19-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-10-16 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Boy Sat. nite in London the bombs were really falling.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 16, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 16/40

Dear Franc:-

I haven’t heard from you for some time. Nor I haven’t written either. But here’s a small letter now. This is my eighth for this aft. & evening. & I’m all caught up on answering again. (Until I get some more letters)

I spent the Weed-end with Pearls’ cousin in London Her name is Eva Robson  26 yrs. old & works for a lawyer. And boy is she a good cook. I had a chicken dinner.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-16 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-10-11 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“Well the liking of England is wearing off now.”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – October 11, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 11/40

Dear Sister:-

I was so glad to hear from you this morn. I have been looking for a letter from you for so long. & I begin to think you had forgotten your little brother in England. I have written you about three times.

Well I’ll start answering some of your questions. It’s a good thing you ask me things. Or I wouldn’t know what to write.

Well the liking of England is wearing off now. “There is no place like home.” No mater what kind of a dump your home is. It is better than anyplace else.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-11 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods”

Artifact 1940-10-05 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“We are having quite a bit of bombing Franc. But London has been getting the worst of it.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 5, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 5/40

Dear Franc:-

I have received two letters from you & two from Onn. also her cigs & I’m sure enjoying them.

One of yours was written Sept 11 which I received first & one Sept. 5 I got it the following day. I’m glad Elt. dropped a line too. Tell him to do it as often as he can.

I’m glad you liked the cards, Franc. I thought you would. They only cost me one shilling (24) – they were worth it. I had been telling Clarence that they were anxious to hear from him & he said he had written two or three letters.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-05 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”