Artifact 1940-10-16 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Boy Sat. nite in London the bombs were really falling.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 16, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 16/40

Dear Franc:-

I haven’t heard from you for some time. Nor I haven’t written either. But here’s a small letter now. This is my eighth for this aft. & evening. & I’m all caught up on answering again. (Until I get some more letters)

I spent the Weed-end with Pearls’ cousin in London Her name is Eva Robson  26 yrs. old & works for a lawyer. And boy is she a good cook. I had a chicken dinner.

When I first went up to her apartment. She dug in and got me something to eat. Then she asked me if I had any money. I said yes I had some. So she told me that whenever her brother (in the army) comes he’s always broke. So she says we’ll go to the show, under one consideration that she pays. So before We left. She put a ten shilling note in my pocket $(2.25) & wouldn’t take it back. when I left. & she had candy & cakes & everything. And you should see the home she is in. I hated to leave. There goes the damned air raid warning & I can hear the planes overhead.

Boy Sat. nite in London the bombs were really falling. We were ducking in every second doorway I beleive. Trying to duck the bombs.

It is rany reining like heck to-nite. too –

I had two letters rom Onn. the other day. one from Auntie & one from Aunt Della in Calif.

I had a letter from La Verne about a week ago too. Gee I thought she had forgotten me But she finally wrote.

Well Franc. This is about all I can say for this time Hope I hear from you soon

As Ever



I forgot to tell you
I had a parcel from
the Balmoral chapter of
the I.O.D.E. Leamington.

P.S. [Reverse of third page.]

Keep these cards that I got when
 I walked off Halifax Harbor &
put them with the rest of
my stuff to be saved

***   End of Transcription   ***

Historical Note

Historical Note – H.M.T. Empress of Australia Message, Berthing, and Mess Cards – July 23, 1940

Within his letter to his sister, Mrs. Elton Newman dated October 16, 1940, Harry William Manchester enclosed several information cards distributed on the transport ship for the Trans-Atlantic crossing. These cards rendered important information about the timing and details of that crossing.

The cards are annotated as follows:

1. Reverse of Message:
Message To C.A.S.F. Convoy – July 23, 1940

H.M.T. Empress of Australia Information Card, July 23, 1940 during the Atlantic crossing from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Scotland.
Annotated by Harry William Manchester:
This was our convoy
Empress of Australia
Monarck of Bermuda
Duchess of York
Two Polish ship that I can’t think of their names

Save this too

2. Reverse of Berthing Card:

Empress of Australia
Left Borden July 14th
arrived in Halifax July 16th
Left Halifax July 23rd
arrived in Scotlane 2nd
” ” Aldershot 4th

3. Reverse of Mess Card:

Empress of Australia


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