Artifact 1940-02-19 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I was up for Orderly Room this morning and got a sentence of 7 days Confined to barracks…”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – February 19, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Windsor, Ontario

Feb 19/40

Dear Frank:

Just a few lines to let you know I am O.K. I was going to come down at 4 O’clock last night, but it snowed so hard that I thought I would put it off until some night during the week.

I was up for Orderly Room this morning and got a sentence of 7 days Confined to barracks so I guess I won’t be able to make it before a week from to-night now.

By the way how are all of you? I hope you like the snow we got last night.

I had an all nite pass Sat. night and went out with Chip & Johnnie then stayed at Dot’s all night.

Well it is almost 1 O’clock so I guess I will have to soon go back on duty. Please write to me as soon as possible I will appreciate a few letters this week. Well So Long

Sincerely yours


PS I got a letter from Leah the other day

*** End of Transcription ***


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