Artifact 1940-07-15 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“What land there was had hay cut on it & nothing over half an acre in size.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 15, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Smiths falls
Mon. Morn.

Dear Frances:-

You’ll have to excuse my writing cuzz this train really rocks some times. However we’re still going strong toward the east. We have just past Perth Ont. & they say Smiths Falls will soon be coming up & then 100 miles to Montreal.

It is very nice country in here. Something like down home. Only a little more woods. Some large dairy farms, etc. & the crops are a little later. I see some hay cut. And its a pretty heavy crop.

We are on the same time as you again E.S. Time and its a little after 7. I woke up about five & you should have seen the country then. Nothing but rocks & rolling as old heck. This is more level ground you would see a couple cows & horses out eating the rocks I guess Cuzz there wasn’t much else. What land there was had hay cut on it & nothing over half an acre in size.

We had a real nice breakfast served on the railroad dishes & we didn’t have to line up for it either. It was set right in front of us. We had porridge coffee, jam, 4 small sausages & 3 large pieces of bacon. We are now in Smiths falls. & the railway men say we lay over for an hour. So maybe I’ll get this finished & send it from here.

Glen & I have one seat for the two of us. That’s like two seats facing the table. Room for four to sit. They triyd to put three in each one. So one could sleep up above & two in the seats when there unfolded. But we happend to be fortuneate & there’s just two of us. This sure is a big railway centre.

I hope you are all fine Frank. I’m real well & enjoying my trip. I didn’t go to bed until about 1.30 as I had to go on guard at the door of out car. & then I shaved before I layed down Cuzz I knew there’d be a jam in the wash room this morn.

I wrote Onn. after we left Borden & dropped it in Toronto. I don’t know whether the guy saw it or not I hope so anyhow. When you get this letter. You can tell her I still love her. (Tsk Tsk) No fooling tho’ I really do. I’ll be dropping both of you a line again before we hit Halifax. We’ll be on the train until Wed. some time It’s sort of drizzly here this morning. It’s not raining thou’

Well I guess I’d better close this up & post it. Tell every body I’m still thinking of them. Send my mail to Camp Borden. & It will be sent on to the Regt. I’ll say.

Adious. For now.

A Ever

            Your Loving Brother


***   End of Transcription   ***


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