Artifact 1940-07-20 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“Well there isn’t much I can say xxx these letters as to were I am. As the people are not supposed to know until we reach our destination.”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – July 20, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content


Sat. Morn.

Dear La Verne:-

I guess you know I have left Camp Borden. last week-end. I got a letter from Frances yesterday & she said she was talking to you on the phone that morning. (last sun.). I guess she was sort of upset when I phoned her from Camp & told her I was leaving.

We had a picnic planned in London, Ont. for this week-end. I was supposed to meet them there.

I was awfully sorry when I couldn’t see you 2 weeks ago when I was home. But I fully understand why you couldn’t come over. I was could have sneaked over there in Civilions. If it hadn’t been for the pasports. At least I think I could have.

How is the Woods falmily & also little Jimmy. He told Frances the last time he was down. That he was going to stay with her a while this summer. Hope he does. She & the girls will be in their glory if he does.

Well there isn’t much I can say xxx these letters as to were I am. As the people are not supposed to know until we reach our destination. We really don’t know ourselves where we are going from here If you phone Franc. She’ll probably tell you were I am. Don’t worry about me anyhow. I’ll always take care of myself.

It’s raining a little this morn. But we have had real nice & sunny weather. every since we’ve been here (Tues. nite) The two days on the train was good weather too.

Well it will soon be dinner time. So I’ll have to hurry this letter. When I reach my destination I’ll send you my address. Unil Until then send it my letters to as Sex. Scots. Regt. Base P.O. Can. Please write as soon as you get this letter. & let me know how you are. I guess I’d better close for now.

As Ever

       Your Brother

                   Harry M.

A-21723 Pte. Harry Manchester
   B. Coy. Essex Scottish Regt.
      Base P.O.

***   End of Transcription   ***


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