Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – September 26, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng.
Sept. 26/40
Dear Franc:-
I thought I’d better get buzy and answer a few letters as they are beginning to pil up on me again.
Just received a letter from Stewy Hastein & his sister & a card of Lillian’s wedding announcement from Uncle Henry’s
I have not received the cigarettes from Onn. yet. But I sure hope they’ve came in the same convoy as the two letters I received. We don’t get payed until Monday. & ever body is out of cigarettes. Marsh Healey has just given me one now And boy is it ever good. The ones I got from Pearl only lasted one week. Everybody is so eager for Canadian cigarettes that they all start gathering in a big circle when they see anyone get a parcel.
I suppose Erma H. had a good time at the Ex. Tell her to write & tell me how she got along. George Fields said he wrote to the Haggins’ & he mentioned me to them. I am waiting until I hear from them & then I’ll answer their letter.
There is a lot I should write t0. But I’m waiting until they write me first. I knew that Earl Laramie was to be married & I heard Orrence wast was to be married. But I didn’t know whether he was going to be, or not. He sure has a nice girl friend tho’
The boys are all here. The Burns’ & Glen are in the same room as myself. & of course Mort sleeps over in the officers quarters as he is still a batman. He has one stripe now. & is over all the rest of the batman & really doing good. as his officer is appointed permanent adjutant. He is gone on a course now & Mort has gone home. for a whole week again. He really gets the breaks.
I hope Mrs. Tessier has heard from Clarence before this He has written several times. Surely she has received some by this time.
I haven’t received any parcels from “Canada Bread.” The only ones is the cigarettes from Pearl & the one I got from her sister Sunday Morning. The cake must have moist when she wrapped it. cuzz it was only 20 days coming & it was mouldy. So if you send any cake. Be sure & dry it out in the tin before you wrap it up.
Boy I had some swell “coconut cream” pie last. nite. This cousin of Pearls that lives alone in an apartment in London. She is a private stenographer & adviser of a lawyer. & she came down yesterday aft. & went back this morn
She is coming again Sat. & going back Sun. & the pies she brought just reminded me of your cooking. & when she comes down I can’t pay for any meals or shows or anything Pearl sent her a picture of herself & I & wrote on the back of it “This is my no 1 boy friend.” “Hands off” She just thinks I am. & now Eva thinks I am alright. She is going to bring me some candy this week end. Some real good fudge. I hope she has does & I hope she brings plenty of money cuzz we get paid the following Monday. She is older than I am. But I don’t care if as long as she looks after me while I’m over here.
And by the way Franc. Just because Onn. sends cig. You don’t have to wait two or three days cuzz there are plenty of boys out of cigarettes & we share them as brothers.
If you send me a thousand at a time Franc. It will only cost $2.50 & if you send a thousand each month. It should do me run me thro’ & if it don’t. I can buy the rest myes myself.
If you send any parcels & want to know what to send. I will give you some ideas. razor blades. (needed badly) any caned goods such as pork & beans or potted meat. Hey would taste real good. Doublemint gum & some cheese XXXX would be fine too. salted peanuts. You don’t have to send these things. But just an idea. for cuzz I don’t expect to you really know what you can send.
The cheese over here is rotten.
Well I guess I’d better close for this time. Hoping to hear from you soon.
I Remain As Ever
For the Kiddies too
Tell them to be sure & write to
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