Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot England
November 1/40
Dear Sis:-
Well I received another letter from you this morn. Also two from Onn. I’m glad they come as often as they do & I hope you get all yours now. I am going to start numbering them on the back of the envelope the same as I have started with Onnellee’s & then you can tell if any are lost or not.
Well my cold is getting better but I have sores on my face & can’t shave (& they’re really sore) But they’ll probably be gone in a couple days. My Every bone I have has acked this week. Gee it must be my unlucky week. I’ll have to watch the bombs until to-morrow (Sat.) night. Or I may get killed yet. Even my teeth ace & thats some-thing new for me. I suppose your tonsils are all out by now & your on the go again
What I said about my Girl friend over here. Well mostly I was just kidding
However I haven’t wen out with a girl for I don’t know how long. Outtside of Eva as she says when Pearl writes to her & tells her things
She says I’m not after you Canadians for boy friends I want to comfort you & make you feel at home. She realizes we have come a long way & one of her own cousins that she does the many things for. She just does it for the rest of us too.
She isn’t a spring chicken you know (26) But she sure likes to cook for us boys & see that we get plenty to eat. Onnellee knows that I go there & she also knows I do everything I can to despise Pearl. But she can’t take the hint. You should see some of the letters she writes me.
Franc. You’ll have to tell Mr. & Mrs. Newman how I am I have so darned many letters to write. There are a lot Kids in Windsor that I chume chumed around with. That want me to write. But I write to Chip (2 letters). & I wrote one letter to Jeff. & I don’t know whats the matter with Dot & Wilf. I haven’t heard from them for some time.
I should write them again also Charlie, La Verne, & all the Aunts. So I can’t think of writing to the Kids in Windsor
Billie wrote a letter to me & put it in with Onn. He’s quite a boy Isn’t he?
Well dear sister its after ten now& I want to go to bed. So I’ll close for to-nite So Good night My dear & hope you are well real soon
Lovingly Harry
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