Artifact 1940-11-08 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“…I can’t say much to-nite. But I do wish I were back home.”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot England
November 8/40

Dear La Verne:-

Here it is almost bedtime & I just got off police duty. The Corporal of the police are here alone in our cozy little office & he’s making us a cup of good old Chase & Sanborns coffee. I just felt that I couldn’t put your letter off any longer. So decided I’d scratch a few lines before going to bed.

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Artifact 1940-10-31-b – Postcard to Miss L. Woods

Postcard to Miss L. Woods – October 31, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Oct. 31/40

Dear La Verne:-

You can see by this that I have received the cigs.

Thanks a million dear. I really enjoyed them & now that I’m down to the card I am returning it to you.

Have had a bad cold this week, but am improving now.

I will write a letter in a couple days when I feel better.

I hope you are all well over there. Be sure & write whenever you have time. I will close for now

Lovingly Yours    Harry

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