Artifact 1940-10-26 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng.
October 26/40
Dear Frances:-
Just a few lines to tell you, that I received your cigs to-day. They are the ones that Gladys. & you sent together. I want to write to her too & thank her as well as you.
Glen just got some too & he has just paid me back some that lent him.
I suppose by the time you receive this letter. You’ll have heard about Pat Burling Poor Pat. It’s just to bad about him. I think I’m going to be a pallbearer for his funeral. It just happened this Morn. & half of the guys are frightened to sleep in this room now. I have half a notion to go & sleep in another room myself. Well the boys all feel so bad cuzz’ everybody in this room liked Pat. a lot.
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