Artifact 1940-05-13 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Our platoon went to Cedar Springs today…”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 13, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Windsor Ontario

Tues. Aft.

Dear Frances:

Just a few lines as I promised I’d write. I am over a Dot’s house in is really cool in here, compared to the barracks

Our platoon went to Cedar Springs today but I didn’t get in until 8 o’clock and they were gone. I have to go on guard to-nite, which I’m glad of as I soon will just have fatigue work to do over the on the next duty next weekend. When you get it done you are off in the evening.

Well Frances my time is short and it is getting on in the afternoon. I expect my leave Wed. & Thurs that his 15th & 16th in fact I’m almost sure of it. So tell Elton have some farming for me to do. I am going to Pearl’s house Tues. nite as you knew and Dot & Roy are supposed to be up from Essex & I think I’ll come home with them. Tues nite. It will probably be late when I get there, so if you’ll leave the door unlocked I will be able to come in without wakening you all. Well Frank I better go. I want to drop a line to the (wife) tee hee

So I say Bye Bye

Love Harry

*** End of Transcription ***


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