Artifact 1940-05-26 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I am in a canteen run by the Salvation Army and is it ever packed.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 26, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden

Sun. nite

Dear Frances:

Just a few lines to let you know we arrived O.K. at five O’clock of course as soon as we got here we had to set our watches ahead an hour.

We have been sort of busy this aft. But didn’t do much but sleep this morn. I wrote to Onnellee this morning right after breakfast but haven’t had any way of sending it out yet.

I am in a canteen run by the Salvation Army and is it ever packed. I thought there were a lot of soldiers in Windsor but there are so many here you can hardly get around and aeroplanes galore. I don’t know what it’s like through the week. it was bad enough to-day

Well Frank. I have been at large all day and haven’t been paraded to the major yet but it may come to-morrow morning. The tents aren’t very big up here they hold six men & I guess there are from 200 to 250 to each regiment besides the big tents were we eat and the officers etc.

We have to wash and shave in cold water and is my face sore already at least it feals that way. “And are the toilet ever disgraceful.” Boy oh Boy home was never like this. I am sick of it all ready.

This place is 40 miles square and you have to have a pace pass to leave your own regt. almost. I haven’t seen the gate yet as the train track runs right into the camp and we only had about one mile to walk. There were a lot of civilian people on the train some most of them women but they made them get off at the junction out by “walkers farms” There were a few men that hid under the seats and came with us & got off at London & Toronto & other towns. There were also some soldiers shiped off at those towns.

Did you all have a good time over the week-end and did you get home safe. I expect to be home in a couple or three weeks.

Well say hello to every body & give them my love until I see them again. I’ll try & send another letter near the end of the week so keep your chin up & I will too.

Love                                      Harry


Write soon                          over



Pte Harry Manchester

Essex Scottish Regt.

Camp Borden


***   End of Transcription   ***


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