Artifact 1940-07-10 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“…I want you to send my white flannels to the cleaners & be sure they bring them back by next Sat.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 10, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden, Ont.
Wed. nite.

Dear Sister:-

I’m so sorry I didn’t write you sooner But I’ve been pretty busy & haven’t written any one but Onn. And I guess you know I’ve got to find time to write to her Frances. You really don[t know how much she means to me & her family will do anything for me.

I got in Okay Sun. nite. & didn’t have a bit of trouble. We went out to the battle range the next day & was really tired, as we didn’t get in until late. I hope you found your $2.00 on the X XX cabinet under the candle holder scarf

I didn’t want Eltons money. He needs it for himself. But I want you to send my white flannels to the cleaners & be sure they bring them back by next Sat. the 20th & I’ll send you the money for it. Well I’ll write you again. It is getting dark now. So I’d better close for now

Short but I hope sweet.



Write soon

***   End of Transcription   ***

Editor’s Note

Editor Note – Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 10, 1940

In his July 10th letter to his sister, Harry mentions going to the “battle range” at Camp Borden.


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