Artifact 1940-07-16 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“There were red cross ladies at that station handing out cigarettes & chocolate bars.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 16, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Tues Morn.

Dear Frances:-

Well we’ve just finished breakfast & they are getting ready for a parade for exercise at our next stop which is just 20 more minutes. I have a nail in my shoe. So I wear my barrack shoes & stay & sweep out the coach & guard the equipment

Our last exercise stop was Quebec City at four o’clock yesterday aft. & I started a letter to Onn. But didn’t get finished until after supper. Boy I’ll bet we’re doing 85 M.P.H. really cutting the air. Well I didn’t get her letter posted until ten. We were about 100 miles or more this side of the St. Lawrence River. We must be almost this New Brunswich by now. I know they said about 300 miles to Halifax yet.

Elton should see the farms down here. There are a lot of rivers with rapids galore Every since we left Montreal. We have saw Rapids and log jams in them. Also saw the logs coming out of the shoat into the river. That sure is a hiy bridge across the St. Lawrence. Well here I am again. The boys have had their route march & we’re off again. There were red cross ladies at that station handing out cigarettes & chocolate bars. We have had a very hardy welcome at every station we stoped at. & have got souviners given to us.

The people all speak Eng. In New Brunswich. But all thro the province of Quebec. We had a hell of a time making them understand what we were saying. It sure is a swell day. & we expect to hit Halifax in about six hours.

Well there isn’t much I can tell you in the letters but I have a lot to tell you when I get back. The Regt. That Cliff Kaake is in left Borden 1 ½ weeks ago and no one knew where they were going. But the other side of Three Rivers a little ways we met half of them with an awflull large train of German prisoners & then after we just got this side of Three Rivers we met the rest with another train load. As soon as our boys saw them. They picked up pop bottles & threw them right thro the windows of the other train. They wer We were stopped on a siding & they went past real slow. Well I’ll close for this time Franc. “Bye Bye”

As Ever            Your Loving Brother


I hope you get my letters & can
 understand them



Don’t forget to send my mail to
 Camp Borden until I tell you

***   End of Transcription   ***


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