Artifact 1940-07-21 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“But I’ll sure have a whale of a time when I get back.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 21, 194

Transcription of Artifact Content


July 21/40

Dear Frances:-

Received your letter to-day. And was sure glad to know that you got the letter I wrote on the train

You asked me when we left camp. It was on Sun. note. A week ago to-nite. It sure don’t seem that long thou. Our trip was really swell on the train & the scenery was beautiful. We were on the train 2 days & nites & have been here the rest of the time. I hope we soon leave thou.

I guess this is the day I was supposed to meet you in London. Well I hope you had a nice picnic of it. And also wish I were there with you. Onn. wanted me to get my pass from Fri. nite instead of Sat. Cuzz’ Sat. was Ross’ birthday & He & Marriane Jap & his G.F. were going to Rondeau to the dance & wanted her & I to go with them. But of course her plans were spoiled the same as all the rest of mine too.

There isn’t much you can send me right now. Franc unless it’s cigarettes. And I can byuy buy them cheaper than you. So there isn’t much use. I wrote La Verne last nite & I’ve lost her address. But I sent it to 305 Ferris. I hope it’s right. I have lost Wilf & Dots address too. I’m getting terribly carless.

Boy it sure is lonely around here to-day. Wish we were eating some of those good old chicken dinners that we used to have. But I guess I’ll spend a quite a few days like this before I get back.

But I’ll sure have a whale of a time when I get back.

How are the girls. I suppose they’re having a good time thru their holidays? I have spilled pop all over this paper.

Well it’s getting close to supper time & there isn’t much more I can say. So I’ll close for this time.


            Brother Harry


I’ll am always be looking
For your letters

Don’t forget to send them
to Base P.O.

***   End of Transcription   ***


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