Artifact 1940-08-04 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“The English kids nearly drive you nuts with they’re talk”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – August 4, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Sunday Aug. 4/40

Dear Franc:-

We arrived in England safely & am having a fairly good time only haven’t been here long enough to know what things are like. We just arrived too yesterday aft.

The trip was swell. It was really a nice ship & we had real nice births but they’re pretty hard now. They are cots only hard bottomed ones. We are in buildings & not tents. & we’re sure glad of that.

The English kids nearly drive you nuts with they’re talk And everything is taxed so high. You have to pay thirty-six cents for 20 cigarettes. I am sending you a couple of sweet Caporal cards & am filling them out. You can send one to the sweet Caporal people Co. & enclose one dollar & They’ll send me three hundred cigarettes

They have We saw a lot of beautiful scenery on the way here. & It seems like all the houses are alike. They’re all built of brick anyhow.

Well Sis. I’ll write somemore during the week. I have a guard to do to-nite & it’s only the second nite in the joint too. They have shows & everything wide open on Sunday. over here. So I’ll close for now. Bye, Bye.

As Ever

         Love Harry

Pte. Harry Manchester
B coy Essex Scottish Regt.
     C/O Base P.O.

***   End of Transcription   ***


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