Artifact 1940-09-20 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“The boys that don’t smoke pipes use the same kind of tobacco & roll the butts into another cigarette. There is very little tobacco wasted over here.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – September 20, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Sept. 20/40

Dear Franc:-

I just finished writing to Mr. Allen’s & I thought I’d drop you a line or two before I shaved & had dinner.

The whole regt. Has gone out on a scheme. They left at eight A.M. So I stayed in bed until ten. I don’t go on duty until 1.30 So I thought I’d better write some letters.

I guess I told you that the Major wanted me back for further training Didn’t I? Well the Sgt. in charge of the police has gone to the hospital with stomach trouble & so I got called back to the police again. They think he might be sent back to the depot in Canada & if so I’ll be on permanent police. I hope.

I must write another letter to La Verne. I’ve been wandering how she is ever since you said she wasn’t well. I have only had one letter from her. & I haven’t heard from anyone this week. We must be due for more Canadian mail, soon.

If you get a chance to send La Verne a dollar. You can have her send me some American pipe tobacco. As she can send tobacco free to soldiers in England from the states. But if you need to money Franc never mind. I guess I’m asking you to do a lot for me. Aren’t I?

But I’m saving my money for my next leave & I had have already two pounds. If I didn’t have to buy cigarettes I could save a lot more.

I want to start buying some things down town you you all. as souvineirs. I’ve already saw some things for you. La Verne & Peggy But I’m waiting until I get more money & send them all at once.

I’ve just lit up my trusty old pipe with tobacco that I’ve saved from cigarette butts. & tare the paper off them so I can smoke it in my pipe. The boys that don’t smoke pipes use the same kind of tobacco & roll the butts into another cigarette. There is very little tobacco wasted over here.

If you send me a parcel from home you can send me a couple packages of doublemint gum. a few white owl cigars I’d really enjoy them. & most of all. some razor blades. You have asked me what I wanted. So there it is.

How did your crops turn out. Gladys said they had over eleven hundred bushels of grain. That was pretty good. Wasn’t it? I hope the tobacco turns out good So you can get straightened around.

Well Franc I must get cleaned up for dinner & to go on duty. So I’ll close for now.           Loads of Love (to all)


***   End of Transcription   ***


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