Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – September 13, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng.
Friday Sept. 13/40
Dear Franc:-
Was so glad to know that you received my first letter okay. I have been thinking that you should soon get one from me. I hope Onn. got one too for her birthday. I got a letter from her a couple days ago & she said then that would be the best present she could get. She hadn’t received any from up until that time yet.
I haven’t received any parcels from the bakery or anyone else yet. I had have a letter from Rita & Pearl quite often & they said they each sent 300 windchesters cigarettes on the sixth of august. That’s over a month ago & I haven’t received them yet. I hope they soon come tho’ as cigarettes are so expensiv that it takes most of our pay for them. And by the way. If you ever send me anyth parcels be sure & send razor blades. I don’t care what kind they are.
I’m sorry I asked you to send those cigarettes as soon as before you had got your money from the Govt. But Franc. I didn’t know that you were buying cows & fixing your barn at that time. I want you & Elton to be sure & use that little bit each month for whatever is necessary. If you’ll send three dollars out of each cheque for cigarettes. They will forward me 1000 cigarettes & that should carry me a month. Then use the rest for what you & Elt see fit. It isn’t much I know. But it may help you a little.
I received Glaydys’ letter along with yours & will answer it as soon as possible. I am starting back in ranks again this aft. My Major says he needs me worse more than the police do. I try tried to transfer to brigade H.Q. to ride a motorcycle with a side car & machine gun on it which leads the way for the convoy & tho dam’nd colonel said he had a better job than that for me hi wanted me to stay with the regiment. If something don’t pop up before long. They’ll find me on C.B. again or in detention. My position as going back to ranks is a sniper.
They are placing us were they tnk think we should be as we expect to move to-morrow morning & releive the first div in the fronts. Of course we have been expecting it for almost a week now.
I would like to stay here in third line. as it will be worse up in the first line. But of course some of the boys don’t see enough action back here. I’ll bet they’ll be wanting to come back inside of three days.
I got a letter from Aunt Clara the other day too. & she told me that Dot was working & all other family affairs of course.
You could send some fruit cake if you wanted to. But I’d rather you would spend that money towards your place as there is so much to be done to it. I can get along without cake.
We are having a steady rain here to-day I guess this is Eng. weather altho’ this is the first rain to amount to anything since we’ve arrived. The Eng. People say its so strange. Maybe we’ll get lots of it & then of course it’s Friday the thirteenth. We had an air raid first thing this morn. to start the day off. It seemed so funny yesterday We didn’t have on raid all day long.
I hope you got those post cards I bought in London. Boy it’s really getting hell bombed out of it these days. There is air raids on there all the time it seems.
Well Franc. I guess I’d better close for this time. Hope I hear from you soon Give the Kiddies & everyone else my Love & I hope I soon will be with them again.
I Remain Your Darlyn Brother
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