Artifact 1940-10-05 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“We are having quite a bit of bombing Franc. But London has been getting the worst of it.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 5, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 5/40

Dear Franc:-

I have received two letters from you & two from Onn. also her cigs & I’m sure enjoying them.

One of yours was written Sept 11 which I received first & one Sept. 5 I got it the following day. I’m glad Elt. dropped a line too. Tell him to do it as often as he can.

I’m glad you liked the cards, Franc. I thought you would. They only cost me one shilling (24) – they were worth it. I had been telling Clarence that they were anxious to hear from him & he said he had written two or three letters.

We are having quite a bit of bombing Franc. But London has been getting the worst of it. You just have to watch your step & get in an air raid shelter or if there aren’t any close you lay on your belly in a hollow low ground Or up alongside a building. So that no shrapenel will fly & hit you.

Tell Elton the Eng. dames are coming all right I guess. All I see of them is when they pass by anymore. At least Elt. you could have sent me an invitation to that party that your throwing with all that money. Uncle Henry’s sent me an announcement of Lillian’s wedding. I guess they knew I couldn’t come tho’. I wish John would answer my letter. I wrote to him when I first arrived in Eng. But I guess he couldn’t have received it.

I guess that the mail service isn’t too bad for war time. It seems like you get my letters in three weeks & I get yours in about that time too

Thanks a lot for sending the cigs. & thank La Verne for me too. I wish she would write to me. I have only had one letter from her & I have written her twice since I received hers.

Glen received his first cigs this morn. & the Burns’ boys & Mort haven’t had any yet. Also a lot more of our friends. So we share them Franc. You’ll think from me asking a thousand each month is a lot of cigarettes. But you know that we are all like brother over here & we treat each other as such. If you send a thousand in one bunch. It will only cost $2.50.

Well I guess you think I’m asking a lot. But you don’t know the circumstances over here, & if you ever send anything else. Be sure there is razor blades. as they are needed very badly.

I’m not keeping track of the money Franc. There should be $20.00 every month starting the first of August. & if you don’t get it all. Let me know & I’ll go to the paymaster. & anyway if you send me stuff I want you to have it.

I haven’t received anything from the bakery yet. But I expect around Xmas time I will. You don’t know like Ducky Rome so well et. Well I guess I can’t blame you. Altho I always got along okay with him.

I’ll be looking for some the pictures of Elmer & the girls & Onn.

I saw in the Star were the Ruthven elevator burnt. Also in the Leamington Post. The Star sends so many papers each day to the Regiment. I also saw a picture of Stewy Mossips’ park having a church service on Sunday.

Save some of that Chili sauce for when I come back.

I hope Elt. does well in selling fence. He may make a good salesman yet. I I can’t get a route at the bakery I will sell fences for Elton. ha; ha!

What is Eula’s new arrival a boy again?

I hope I can stay on police over here This week I go on duty from 1.30PM. till 9.30 P.M. & I often sleep the clock around. But next week I get up at 5.30 A.M. & be on duty at 6 & then I’m finished at 1.30 P.M. & have the afternoon off. Pretty soft eh!

I got a nice long letter from Pearl yesterday too. So I’ll have to answer hers too.

Poor Glen had a new watch given to him by his sisters & brothers when he left Windsor. & when he went to London on his leave, about a month or more ago. He pawned his watch & can’t get to London to get it. & of course we all tease Glen & they are really at him now. He has the money for it & I’m holding it so he won’t spend it. He’s almost having a baby over it. But don’t tell his sisters or brothers about it.

I hope they start giving passes out for London next week. As I want to spend the week-end with Pearl’s cousin in London. She works for a lawyer in London & she comes to Aldershot & brings her cousin & I from Montreal. a lot of pies & canned good, candies. & everything imaginable. It don’t cost her anything. & she makes plenty of doe & just as good hearted as Pearl’s married sister.

Well Franc. I’d better close for this time & will write again as soon as possible. & you do the same. Give my love to the Kiddies & everyone else & tell them to write

I Remain



I hope you can
    read it.

***   End of Transcription   ***


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