Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – October 19, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng.
October 19/40
Dear La Verne:-
Just a few lines to let you know I have received your cigarettes (also Franc’s) I want to say Thanks a Million Sis.
They sure will come in handy. We are having it awfully tough over here. On account of our money is cut down & it don[t go very far over here as it is. I have been trying to save enough money to send all of you some little token. But I’ll just have to keep plugging away until I can manage. But just have patience Sis. I know that you all will be looking for something. But I am trying hard to save enough for to go away on my next leave. Which I expect anytime & I should have some left over then. Well I guess you won’t be interested in our hardships. La Verne. But I just wish that some of the people could see back home. Could see what it’s like over here. I can can imagine us in the front lines. When everybody is so homesick. But I will say. They are doing their best to make themselves look cheerful
Well Sis. There isn’t much to say this time. How is little Jimmie getting allong. I hope fine Also the rest. I will close for this time So Bye Bye
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