Artifact 1940-10-27-c – Postcard to Mrs. Elton Newman

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Oct. 27/40

Dear Franc:-

Here is one of the cards that are sent with the cigarettes. I told you I’d send the card back.

I have written a letter too. So in case you don’t get the letter. You may get this card. I’ll send the other one as soon as I work my way to it.

I am okay. have received the letter from you & the Kiddies & was sure glad to get it. Well I’ll close for now.      Lovingly Yours

Brother Harry

***   End of Transcription   ***

Information Note

Information – Harry William Manchester Reference to “Kiddies”

Harry William Manchester’s reference to “the Kiddies” is a reference to his nieces: Marjorie and Marion Newman.



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