Artifact 1940-10-27 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Gee that’s really news about Chuck & Inez getting married”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, England
October 27/40

Dear Frank:-

Was very pleased to hear rom you & the kiddies yesterday morning. I also got letters from Onn. & Pearl’s sister Rita.

The girls sure do write a swell letter for their ages. When we get our mail. We (the Police) are all in the office. & so I litte let Jimmie Tweedale read Marjorie’s & Marion’s letters. He thought they were pretty good. & I did too.

Well Franc. I am fine & I guess I have a lot to be thankful for, for feeling as good as I do. Of course I’m still homesick.

Did you have your Tonsils out yet. Gee Franc. I hope you feel better if you have. You say you’ve lost 15 lbs. since last spring. Well I guess I’ve put them on since I’ve been on the police over here.

I don’t know whether you mean the war situation or not by asking how things are. Well I’ve told you in my last letters about the bombing. Of course they dropped some more last night again, that shook our barracks. But as long as thats all they do. It won’t be so bad.

Things are awful high in price over here. In civilian life they are alowed about one egg per person in a week. & each egg is 4 ½ pence thats nine cents in our money. Gee there goes another air raid warning & it isn’t night yet. Well meat & everything is sky high over here Franc. & even clothing. Eva (Pearl’s cousin) thats always doing so much for me, was wondering if. th she could have silk stocking sent to me from Canada in parcels. She said if they weren’t declared. (Written on the outside) that they’d come thro’ alright. I didn’t know whether to ask. you or not. She’s so good to me. I’d certainly like to do something for her.

I haven’t heard from La Verne either for a long time. I wish she’d write me more often. But then I suppose she’s busy. & don’t have much time to write letters. When a person works out, they don’t get much chance to write.

I don’t care what you give Onn., Franc. As I said before I can’t buy much over here. But will try & get her some little thing anyhow. You just go ahead & do what you like & it will be okay by me. I don’t expect any xmas presents myself. So if any one asks you anything about what I want. Just tell them there isn’t anything I need. Cuzz’ I can’t replace them Franc. So I’m better off without it on my mind

Gee that’s really news about Chuck & Inez getting married Well I guess everybody will be married by the time I get back. Even Onn.

There has been odd fellows injured by trucks in the blackouts & Motorcycles. But they have to drive with one small light no matter how dark it is. There has been one or two injured by bomb schrapenel. But nothing to speak of.

Clarence is fine. He is in the truck drivers now & is looking well too.

I just finished writing Aunt Clara & it will soon be supper time. So I’s better close for to-day. Will write again soon & you do the same. So I’ll close for now

Lovingly Yours. Harry

Tell the Kiddies. Thanks for the letters & write again.

The planes are flying around here like mosquitos were at Camp Borden.

***   End of Transcription   ***


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