Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 31, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot Eng.
October 31/40
Dear Sister:-
Well here it is Father’s birthday. I wonder how old he would be if he were living I’ve thought of him a lot to-day.
I thought that money would come in handy. Thats why I signed it to you. However I want you & Elt. to make use of it for whatever you can
Piper is okay. Only we still nagg the devil out of him The rest of the boys are the same. Everybody seems to have colds, but otherwise they’re alright.
Thanks a million for the pictures Sis. I was sure pleased to get them. I was sick in bed when I received your letter on Tuesday & I haven’t written any letters all week until to-nite
Jim Tweedale is writing to his wife & I don’t know if which we are doing the most of writing or fooling. But I guess I’d better get buzy cuz its nearly bed time
I am sending a picture that was in the Star. I remember when it happen just outside of Aldershot here. So I thought I’d send it to you
That is a school teacher pushing that truck (boxcar) Only they’re one tenth the size of ours.
Well I wrote to Peg to-nite also sent La Verne’s cigarette post card. I can’t understand why you didn’t get my letter for a month. I’ve never let it go that long without writing.
Well Franc I’ll write some more some other nite. So just keep writing to me.
I will close now
LoveX & Kisses
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