Artifact 1940-11-05 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“But a Gerry just flew over & he was real low.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 5, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot England
November 5/40

Dear Sis & all:-

Here it is 10 O’clock & I should be going to bed. but Tweedale is going to write a short letter. So I thought I might as well too.

Its raining like heck again to-nite as usual. But the Gerries haven’t been bothering us these last few days. I wrote Peg. to-nite too. I haven’t the attitude for writing after what I went thro’ last week. Gee! I felt tough

I have worked nearly every nite this last couple days. Our cpl. of the police has been on a bender & the rest have of us have to make up his time He came in tight last night. & then he got up this morn. & he uses me like his boy. Well about ten A.M. He says Harry. See that the prisoners get the work done in the kitchen & Orderly room Won’t You? & I said. Yes Jim & away he went & Jim Tweedale & I are expecting him in. is the reason we’re staying up a little later. I get along swell with Jimmie Tweedale & also the rest of the police. They all seem to like me & are doing they their utmost to make me a permanent police

Franc. what was the matter with Louie Clifford. I’m glad you told Peg. to tell me that she had gone. Gee we really miss Pat Burling too Franc.

No one can imagine how well Pat was liked in this Regiment. I would love to hear some of the rumors that would be drifting around Essex about his death.

Jimmie & I sat with our ears wide open for a minute. There is no air raid on. But a Gerry just flew over & he was real low. We were sitting here looking at each other for a minute & Tweedale says. I don’t like that. We expected to hear some eggs come whistling thro’ the air. But he managed to get over us.

Well Sis. I think you’ll do good if you read this much & I have to get some dope on these sores before I go to bed

So I’ll say Good Night & God bless you all

Lovingly Yours          Harry

For the Kiddies.

Tell Elt. to write.

***   End of Transcription   ***


Artifact 1940-10-31 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Piper is okay. Only we still nagg the devil out of him”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 31, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot Eng.
October 31/40

Dear Sister:-

Well here it is Father’s birthday. I wonder how old he would be if he were living I’ve thought of him a lot to-day.

I thought that money would come in handy. Thats why I signed it to you. However I want you & Elt. to make use of it for whatever you can

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-10-31 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 40-08-23-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I just wish you could spend one week here. You would be scared skinny.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – August 23, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Aug. 23/40

Dear Sis:-

Well I’ve finally got down to writing your letter. I’ll have to write bits at a time between work. I was going to write sooner, but I guess I didn’t take the time, while I was on my leave. I want to answer La Vernes letter too.

Continue reading “Artifact 40-08-23-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-08-23 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“It isn’t so bad over here if my relatives & friends were here & if tobacco’s & razor blades & other necessities wer’nt so high in price.”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – August 23, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Aug. 23/40

Dear La Verne:-

Was I ever glad to get your letter the other day. I got a bunch of them all at once. And yours was a little more welcome than either Franc’s or Peggy’s I think. Of course I guess I hear from them ofterner is why. But I’m glad to hear from them too as I can sure read a lot of letters over here.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-08-23 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods”

Artifact 1940-07-20-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I have saw quite a number of refugees & also german prisoners.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 20, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content


Sat. Morn.

Dear Frances:-

We received some mail last nite. I got your letter that you wrote last Sun. Boy! Was I ever glad to get it. It’s the first mail we’ve received since we left camp.

You can send my mail to “Base P.O.” instead of Camp Borden from now on. Until I tell you different. I got two letters from Peggy. & on from Garnet & his folds. Peggy’s was written Sat. nite before I made the phone call. & the other Sun. nite. I haven’t got any that’s been written since Mon. yet.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-07-20-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”