Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 26, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 1.

Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 26, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 2.

Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 26, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 2, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 26, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden
Sun. nite
Dear Frances:
Just a few lines to let you know we arrived O.K. at five O’clock of course as soon as we got here we had to set our watches ahead an hour.
We have been sort of busy this aft. But didn’t do much but sleep this morn. I wrote to Onnellee this morning right after breakfast but haven’t had any way of sending it out yet.
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