“I never saw so much military work done in my life before & I hope I never see it again”
Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – September 24, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng. Sept. 24/40
Dear La Verne:-
Well how are you getting along now? The last letter I got from Franc. She said you were’nt well. Of course you could easily be well again by now as it takes nearly three weeks, for mail to come across the ocean.
“I have had a bad cold and I went to the doctor. They said I had acute Broncitis.”
Artifact 1940-06-11 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden
Tues. nite.
Dear Frances:
Was so glad to get your letter
to-nite. I also got one from Garnet. Aunt Clara’ & John Hutzel’s G.F. Aunt
Clara sent me a box yesterday with soap, shaving cream, dental cream, candy
gum, and cand canned goods in in. I haven’t had a letter from Peggy
since Sat. And I’m really disappointed. I can’t imagine wat whats the
matter with her unless she doesn’t love me anymore. Maybe she found a new B.F
I have had a bad cold and I went
to the doctor. They said I had acute Broncitis. But I think I’ll be all right
in a day or two I’m glad the kids got their hair done. I’ll bet they look
really nice now. After me promising it to them and then you had to do it
yourself. Well if I hadn’t went in debt for that watch. I guess I could have
fulfilled my promise