“I never saw so much military work done in my life before & I hope I never see it again”
Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – September 24, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng. Sept. 24/40
Dear La Verne:-
Well how are you getting along now? The last letter I got from Franc. She said you were’nt well. Of course you could easily be well again by now as it takes nearly three weeks, for mail to come across the ocean.
Well I’ve finally set down to write you another letter. I have been going to write you for the last two or three days but just hadn’t got settled to it.
I made my assignment this morn. Of twenty dollars. I think it will start from the first of August. & you should get your first cheque the first of September. However Franc. be sure & let me know when it comes & if it the full twenty dollars are there. Also don’t forget to send in that insurance book every couple or three months & they will mark it & send it back. That is the one I told you to send to them.