Artifact 1940-11-09-a – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 9, 1940


Aldershot England
November 9/40

Dear Franc:-

Well we’ve been well over a week without any mail from Can.

But then I’m going to write to you anyway. I haven’t had a letter from you since you got your tonsils out.

The last letter I have was from Onn. When she was staying with you after you came back from the hospital (having your tonsils out). Well I hope some mail soon comes in anyhow. I wrote Aunt Lil. A couple nites ago & to La Verne last nite. I And I don’t know whats the matter with me, but it seems like I write to Onn, every nite. I guess I must be love sick. Since I’ve read some of your letters what you say about her. Well I guess it makes me feel more towards her. Well I guess she’s worth having for a girl friend. The way she writes to me & the things she says. Well —I won’t say no more. I’ll have to write her another letter to-nite.

Gee I wished some of your mail would come so I’d know how you are feeling. You can’t imagine how much I’ve thought of you this past week &wondering how you are.

Has Elton had any more word about getting into Fords. You said that Murray told you, he might get in this winter. I hope he gets in anyhow!

Well Franc. I can’t think of much to say until I hear from you again & it’s about supper time. Altho we just had some coffee & cake about an hour ago. I wished you could see our little police office here. We are quite proud of it. Be sure & write me as often as you have time Franc. I go to a show about one nite a week & the rest of my spare time I just write letters. So you know how anxious I am to receive letters. Well I’ll close for to nite

Your Loving brother

*** End of Transcription ***