Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – July 2, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden, Ont.
Tues. nite.
Dear La Verne:-
Just a few lines to let you know that I expect to come home this week-end. You said in your last letter that you’d try to get over to see me.
Well I wrote Frances a letter after supper & Helen Irwin one before supper & now I’m at yours. Although I was down listening to the portable radio that a couple of boys from our Coy has. Orville Drouilard & his friend are the boys that have it. I guess you remember hearing about Orville the champion fighter. And then I was watching a boxing match for a while of a kid with the priest & of course the attraction was the priest boxing
I told Frank I was going to write to you. When I arrive in Windsor Sat. Morn. I’ll call Frank & get your phone no. then I’ll call you. If you haven’t a phone I won’t be able to call you. So you’d better call Frank about noon Sat. she’ll hear from me before that. If I can’t get a pass I’ll send her or else Onn. a telegram & which ever gets the telegram can (phone) call the other one. But Frank will know by noon whether I’m coming or not. So if you don’t hear from me before noon on Sat. You can call Frank & she will tell you just the whole thing.
Be sure & bring Jimmie with you ‘cuzz I’d love to see him too.
Well I guess thats all I can sat to nite & we’ll have a good old talk Sunday I hope.
So I’ll say Bye Bye
As Ever
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