Artifact 1940-05-07 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“My lighter sure works good. I think it is a grand one for ten cents don’t you?”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – May 7, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Windsor Ontario

Tues. noon.

Dear Frances:

I think I promised you a letter, so here it is. It sure is hot this last couple of days isn’t it. We are almost cooking with these heavy clothes and equipment on.

We went on the scheme last night. We left barracks at seven, and by the time we marched out there, it was dark. Then we got in some time between eleven and twelve. Then I had a nice hot shower before I went to bed.

Well Frank I didn’t tell you about last weekend. I couldn’t get a pass on account of going on sick parade Sat. morn. to get my leg bandaged. So I told the major I was going anyway. I expected to be doing a weeks C.B. and that is why I thought I couldn’t get down next weekend. However I got away with it. Onnellee wanted me to come in Sat. night and come down again on Sun. But I was stubborn and did as I told the major. I also told Elton about it on Sun. but I thought you would only want to have me back.

Well I got a letter from Kingsville yesterday. One that was sent last week but I didn’t get it. I also got one from Pearl yesterday and I expect one from Onnellee today too.

My lighter sure works good. I think it is a grand one for ten cents don’t you?

Well all we hear now is arguments about moving They have shipped some stuff from the stores yesterday and they also inspected our eating utensils and water bottle yesterday. So I guess it’s getting closer all the time.

Well Sis. I guess I’d better get ready for dinner or I’ll miss out on it. So I’ll say Bye-Bye until I see you again.

I Remain As Ever

Your Loving Brother


*** End of Transcription ***


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