Artifact 1940-06-06 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden, Ont.
Dear Frances:
Was so glad to get your letter
to-nite. I was looking for one from you. I didn’t get one from Onn. To-day. I
guess she didn’t have time to write yesterday. Although it’s the first she’s
missed this weeke.
You sure had a lot of pullets out of that bunch of chicks. I hope you have as good luck with these others as you had with the last bunch. We were out on a scheme the other day & went into a farm house to get our canteens full. They were just bringing some baby chicks as we were there & Bob Diamond & I watched them put them out.
I guess Onn. Is O Kay. She has to stay in every night until ten as Mrs. H. is selling tickets at the show now. Maybe she’ll be out this Sun. She didn’t get home until 4.3- last Sun. aft. As they had company in for dinner. So she didn’t have much time to go anywhere. (That’s what she tells me.)
I got La Verne’s letter the other night & I wrote right back to her. I was certainly thankful that she wrote to me. I haven’t wrote to Charlie yet as I’m not sure of his address. But I think I’ll take a chance on it. I’m glad Elton is getting his corn in now. It sure was wet for a while. Wasn’t it?
If you came up you could come in on Sunday aft. From 2 until 6. And you could also take pictures. There were a number of people from Windsor up last Sun. to see the boys.
The advance party left for England to-day. That is the whole division. About 50 went from our Regt. So I don’t know how soon we’ll be going but I don’t think it’ll be before the fifteenth. If there is no sign of leaving then. I might come home for the week-end. But I’m not sure.
I’m beginning to like it better up here now I think. It’s sort of pretty. And have I ever a nice tan coming on. But if it were only closer to home.
How are the girls getting along. I really miss seeing them on weekends. Tell them to write me a little letter some night. I’d be glad to read them. I guess I should drop a line to Wilbur & Gladys too. & please send Murray & Dot’s address if you will.
Well Frances I’d better close for now I think and get caught up on a couple more letters Hoping to see you in a couple weeks if possible
So Bye Bye for now
As Ever
Your Loving Brother
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