Artifact 1940-06-25 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden, Ont.
Tues. nite.
Dear Frank:-
I received your letter to-day and was so glad to hear from you. I also got one from Onn. I was glad to hear you got home without any accidents as it was bad enough to get lost. I was sort of anxious to hear from you as it rained all evening Sun. up here & you had so far to drive & Ross so tired. Onn. said she drove thirty miles, if I remember right.
We went on a scene yesterday about 7 miles from our own camp & it rained off and on all day, but not hard. Then when we started back, it just poured & we really got soaked. It was 7 O’ P.M. when we got back.
I don’t blame Marjorie for crying. I surely felt like it myself. It wouldn’t have taken much coaxing to get me to go home Sun. mite with you. But I went back to my tent & it kept raining. So we went to bed early & I wasn’t long dozzing off. I guess I didn’t get the amount of sleep Sat. nite that I was used to. But last nite I layed awake until twelve & couldn’t go to sleep. I guess I was wondering if you got home safely or not
I will get the kids each a pin the first time I go to Barrie. I would have gotten them to send home with you if finances had been better I just felt I had to get Onn. something. You wouldn’t blame me either if you could see the way she uses me when we’re alone & what she writes in her letters.
Tell Marion & Elton Thanks a million for writing Did you tell Elton where I got the key case?
Well Frank you hadn’t better plan on me coming home this week-end as I won’t be able to get two week-end passes in succession. I don’t imagine we’ll be leaving for a while yet. So I think I’ll have plenty of time. I want to wait until I have some money to spend before I come.
Gee you kids must have spent a lot last week. It seemed whenever there was anything to pay, you girls dug down for it. I guess Onn. remembers that I’ve showed her not to bad a time in the past.
Corporal Such the Post master would like to have a picture that you took of him. You can send me some of the others that are good. I send them back to you again. Especially the ones of the band I took in Windsor. Well Frances I’d better close for to-nite as I have to write Peg yet.
I Remain As Ever
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