Artifact 1940-09-24 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“I never saw so much military work done in my life before & I hope I never see it again”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – September 24, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Sept. 24/40

Dear La Verne:-

Well how are you getting along now? The last letter I got from Franc. She said you were’nt well. Of course you could easily be well again by now as it takes nearly three weeks, for mail to come across the ocean.

We are having grand weather over here. I think better than what you have been getting. They tell me it has been raining a lot over there. I hope it has stopped by now.

They seem to be having a lot of damage done a London. Thats about 40 miles I guess. But haven’t did any damage here to speak of. & I guess we are lucky for it. We can see the flashes every nite over London way.

How are the Woods’ family & Jimmie I would love to see him again. I suppose their home seems bare with both Eleanor & Wilfred both getting married at once. I hear George has a new Packard. I’ll be he really goes to town in it too.

I have been working on Military Police work every since I cam to Eng. On week I’m on afternoon shift & the next week morning shifts. This week the morning. I washed my dirty clothes yesterday & to-day I have ironed my dress shirt & a tie as I have a girl from London coming down to-morrow aft. To see me. I have never met her before. But we have been trying to get together every since I arrived. It seems that something turns up every time we plan to meet I hope it don’t to-morrow tho’ I have to press my uniform to when I the iron gets hot enough. She has sent me some pictures of herself. & she has one of me that her cousin in Windsor sent her. I used to go with her cousin. (Pearl) So her cousin sht sent her my address & picture & Pearl also sent me her address in London. So thats how we got to writing to each other. The next thing is to meet her.

I want to get my hair washed too before supper. It is sort of pretty over here but of course everything is done by the government at the present time. Everybody you see has a uniform on. Even the women & girls are nurses or belong to the Auxiary Terretorial Service. I have met several Canadian girls that have come to England & joined it (A.T.S.)

They are cookes, ambulance drivers etc.

I never saw so much military work done in my life before & I hope I never see it again

Some of the boys that have been in the hospital, say that the kuhale unit of nurses are from the Grace hospital in Toronto Canada. It is quite a large hospital too. So the Toronto hospital must have lost a lot of nurses when they came over here.

Well Sister I think I’d better close for this time. Give everybody my love & be sure & write as often as possible. I will say By Bye



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