Artifact 1940-10-26 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I suppose by the time you receive this letter. You’ll have heard about Pat Burling”

Artifact 1940-10-26 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
October 26/40

Dear Frances:-

Just a few lines to tell you, that I received your cigs to-day. They are the ones that Gladys. & you sent together. I want to write to her too & thank her as well as you.

Glen just got some too & he has just paid me back some that lent him.

I suppose by the time you receive this letter. You’ll have heard about Pat Burling Poor Pat. It’s just to bad about him. I think I’m going to be a pallbearer for his funeral. It just happened this Morn. & half of the guys are frightened to sleep in this room now. I have half a notion to go & sleep in another room myself. Well the boys all feel so bad cuzz’ everybody in this room liked Pat. a lot.

Well I borrowed 2 shillings off Johnny Burns to-nite to buy myself some writing paper & I’m going to get my haircut to-morrow.

I did some washing this morning & I have a little more to do the first chance I get. You should see how clean they are too. Franc? I sort of let my clothes pile up on me & first thing I knew, everything was dirty.

Well the air raid is on as usual. The windows just finished rattling. One. two, three. times right in six succession. But they have been closer than that. So I guess we hadn’t better bich.

I had a guy pass out on me to-nite. He was taken to the hospital a couple days ago & his mind has started wandering I guess. (gone nuts)

However he wandered off from the hospital & was picked up by the M. police in Winchester. They brought him back to us & we licked him up. & Just before I came off duty. I was (escorting) taking him to the doctor. He walked down the steps alright & as soon as he was down the steps. I turned my flash light off & though he could see. Of course I knew he ws week. But I didn’t think he was too weak to walk. However he started walking alongside me & keeled over So I took & dragged him in to the doctor.

Well Franc. I think I’d better close & write to Gladys & then go to bed. Don’t forget to send my sweaters & gloves I should have them now I guess, by thew feel of the weather

I guess I’ll close for to-nite


                                          Love & Kisses



Thanks again
for the cigs!

***   End of Transcription   ***


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