Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – Unknown Date, assumed June 2, 1940

Editor’s Note
Editor Note – Unknown Artifact Original Date
The actual date of this artifact is unknown because there is no envelope with postmarks, but believed to have been written during the first or second week of June, 1940.
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden
Sun. aft.
Dear Frances:
Received your parcel O.K. and also a letter Fri. & Sat. Thanks a lot for the dinner. It was really swell. I just got the parcel about nine last night. I also got one from Pearl’s sister. It was a big chocolate box full of date cake & some candy. Well I had Marshall Healey over to our tent for dinner and of course I had Glen piper stay is he and I are in the same tent. The chicken & dressing was swell, but it is so warm in the day time I thought I’d better get it ate up.
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