“…I can’t say much to-nite. But I do wish I were back home.”
Personal Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – November 8, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot England November 8/40
Dear La Verne:-
Here it is almost bedtime & I just got off police duty. The Corporal of the police are here alone in our cozy little office & he’s making us a cup of good old Chase & Sanborns coffee. I just felt that I couldn’t put your letter off any longer. So decided I’d scratch a few lines before going to bed.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 3.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 7, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot England November 7/40
Dear Sister:-
Well I was expecting Eva & her brother down to-day. But they didn’t show up. So I guess I’ll go to the show after supper.
I wrote to Onnellee last nite But I want to drop another line to-nite. If I have time. Also Aunt Lil. I haven’t heard from her yet.
Gee. I haven’t had any Canadien mail in a week. I expected some to-day. But it didn’t come
A bunch of Canadiens arrived the other day from Iceland. & are they a happy bunch. Bob Oakley that used to fork from for Les. Ash & Wane Tully. was amongst them. He had a bunch of pictures he took in Iceland. & what a desolate looking place. Not a tree in sight.
He gave me some Money he brought from there & I’m going to try & wrap it up & send it in this letter.
Gee Franc. I wish some mail would arrive from you & Onnellee You know I wasn’t going to write her last night But I went to the show& I couldn’t get her off my mind. So I had to write her before I went to bed.
There is an air raid on now & I soon have to go to supper. Gee I can’t understand why they fly over us & drop their eggs & none has come near us. Lucky Aren’t we? Well I’ll write some more after supper.
Well I’ve finished & what a louzy supper. I wish I could have supper with you some nighe.
They are starting to give the seven days leaves out now. & I expect to go in a couple weeks. Tweedale & Wilf. the guy I went on my last leave with. Are going together first this time & then I go next. If we go to Scotland. We get 2 days extra to toe travel on. So that’ll make me nine days all told
Well Franc. my (xxxx) lips I mean the sores on my lips are just about dried. And I feel much better. I cleeen cleaned my teeth to day for the first My lips were so sore before that I couldn’t stand to clean them.
Weel Franc. There isn’t much more to say. So I guess I’d better close for now. So I’ll say
Good Night
Your Loving Brother
This crazy Tweedale would drive the best of men nuts
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 5, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 5, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 5, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 5, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 5, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot England November 5/40
Dear Sis & all:-
Here it is 10 O’clock & I should be going to bed. but Tweedale is going to write a short letter. So I thought I might as well too.
Its raining like heck again to-nite as usual. But the Gerries haven’t been bothering us these last few days. I wrote Peg. to-nite too. I haven’t the attitude for writing after what I went thro’ last week. Gee! I felt tough
I have worked nearly every nite this last couple days. Our cpl. of the police has been on a bender & the rest have of us have to make up his time He came in tight last night. & then he got up this morn. & he uses me like his boy. Well about ten A.M. He says Harry. See that the prisoners get the work done in the kitchen & Orderly room Won’t You? & I said. Yes Jim & away he went & Jim Tweedale & I are expecting him in. is the reason we’re staying up a little later. I get along swell with Jimmie Tweedale & also the rest of the police. They all seem to like me & are doing they their utmost to make me a permanent police
Franc. what was the matter with Louie Clifford. I’m glad you told Peg. to tell me that she had gone. Gee we really miss Pat Burling too Franc.
No one can imagine how well Pat was liked in this Regiment. I would love to hear some of the rumors that would be drifting around Essex about his death.
Jimmie & I sat with our ears wide open for a minute. There is no air raid on. But a Gerry just flew over & he was real low. We were sitting here looking at each other for a minute & Tweedale says. I don’t like that. We expected to hear some eggs come whistling thro’ the air. But he managed to get over us.
Well Sis. I think you’ll do good if you read this much & I have to get some dope on these sores before I go to bed
“Billie wrote a letter to me & put it in with Onn. He’s quite a boy Isn’t he?”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 3.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 4.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – November 1, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot England November 1/40
Dear Sis:-
Well I received another letter from you this morn. Also two from Onn. I’m glad they come as often as they do & I hope you get all yours now. I am going to start numbering them on the back of the envelope the same as I have started with Onnellee’s & then you can tell if any are lost or not.
“Gee that’s really news about Chuck & Inez getting married”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 3.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 4.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 5.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 6.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 27, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, England October 27/40
Dear Frank:-
Was very pleased to hear rom you & the kiddies yesterday morning. I also got letters from Onn. & Pearl’s sister Rita.
The girls sure do write a swell letter for their ages. When we get our mail. We (the Police) are all in the office. & so I litte let Jimmie Tweedale read Marjorie’s & Marion’s letters. He thought they were pretty good. & I did too.
Well Franc. I am fine & I guess I have a lot to be thankful for, for feeling as good as I do. Of course I’m still homesick.
“I suppose by the time you receive this letter. You’ll have heard about Pat Burling”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 26, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 26, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 26, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 3.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 26, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 4.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 26, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 26, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Artifact 1940-10-26 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng. October 26/40
Dear Frances:-
Just a few lines to tell you, that I received your cigs to-day. They are the ones that Gladys. & you sent together. I want to write to her too & thank her as well as you.
Glen just got some too & he has just paid me back some that lent him.
I suppose by the time you receive this letter. You’ll have heard about Pat Burling Poor Pat. It’s just to bad about him. I think I’m going to be a pallbearer for his funeral. It just happened this Morn. & half of the guys are frightened to sleep in this room now. I have half a notion to go & sleep in another room myself. Well the boys all feel so bad cuzz’ everybody in this room liked Pat. a lot.
“I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me for so long. It isn’t because I haven’t written. It must be as you said. It went down on that ship with those refugee children.”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 3.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 4.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 5.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Page 6.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940, sent from Aldershot, England, United Kingdom, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – October 24, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, England October 24/40
My Dear Sister:-
Was so glad to get your letter yesterday. But I didn’t get a chance to answer it until to-nite. I also got on from Onn. & I’ll try & get hers answered too.
I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me for so long. It isn’t because I haven’t written. It must be as you said. It went down on that ship with those refugee children. I think that I’m getting all your mail tho’