“The boys that don’t smoke pipes use the same kind of tobacco & roll the butts into another cigarette. There is very little tobacco wasted over here.”
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – September 20, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng. Sept. 20/40
Dear Franc:-
I just finished writing to Mr. Allen’s & I thought I’d drop you a line or two before I shaved & had dinner.
The whole regt. Has gone out on a scheme. They left at eight A.M. So I stayed in bed until ten. I don’t go on duty until 1.30 So I thought I’d better write some letters.
“We had an air raid first thing this morn. to start the day off. It seemed so funny yesterday We didn’t have on raid all day long.”
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – September 13, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng. Friday Sept. 13/40
Dear Franc:-
Was so glad to know that you received my first letter okay. I have been thinking that you should soon get one from me. I hope Onn. got one too for her birthday. I got a letter from her a couple days ago & she said then that would be the best present she could get. She hadn’t received any from up until that time yet.
“I just wish you could spend one week here. You would be scared skinny.”
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – August 23, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Aldershot, Eng. Aug. 23/40
Dear Sis:-
Well I’ve finally got down to writing your letter. I’ll have to write bits at a time between work. I was going to write sooner, but I guess I didn’t take the time, while I was on my leave. I want to answer La Vernes letter too.