The Wartime Correspondence of Harry William Manchester
Tag: Ross [Reive]
Ross Reive is the oldest son of Lawrence and Ida Reive, and brother of Onnellee Reive, of Kingsville, Ontario, Canada; and is the future brother-in-law of Harry William Manchester.
“But I’ll sure have a whale of a time when I get back.”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 21, 1940, sent from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 21, 1940, sent from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 21, 1940, sent from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 21, 1940, sent from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 21, 194
Transcription of Artifact Content
July 21/40
Dear Frances:-
Received your letter to-day. And was sure glad to know that you got the letter I wrote on the train
You asked me when we left camp. It was on Sun. note. A week ago to-nite. It sure don’t seem that long thou. Our trip was really swell on the train & the scenery was beautiful. We were on the train 2 days & nites & have been here the rest of the time. I hope we soon leave thou.
“Although I’d like to see Peggy there. But I guess I won’t have to ask your permission. I think that you love her more than I do. And I sure do.”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 2, Reverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Envelope, Reverse.
Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden, Ont.
Tues. nite.
Dear Frank:-
Well I guess it’s about time I got busy on your letter. I wrote Helen Irvin[s letter just before supper and then I thought I’d better get at yours.
Onnellee said She would like for Marrianne, Ross, her & I to go on a picnic, when I come home. But I told her what your said, about her coming out there. However I’ll be calling her when I arrive on Sat. & if you happen to call her before that you & her can arrange. I know you’ll want me to be with you. & I told her that. Anyway La Verne wanted me to let her know when I came down & she would get over to see me. I want to write her a letter & tell her I’ll be coming this week. End & also that I’ll call her on Sat. morn. from Windsor.
“It seemed whenever there was anything to pay, you girls dug down for it.”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 25, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 25, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 25, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 25, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Envelope, Reverse.
Artifact 1940-06-25 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden, Ont.
Tues. nite.
Dear Frank:-
I received your letter to-day and was so glad to hear from you. I also got one from Onn. I was glad to hear you got home without any accidents as it was bad enough to get lost. I was sort of anxious to hear from you as it rained all evening Sun. up here & you had so far to drive & Ross so tired. Onn. said she drove thirty miles, if I remember right.
“We heard from Jeff & he said he had a car accide…”
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 21, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 1.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 21, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Page 2.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 21, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Envelope, Obverse.
Personal Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – June 21, 1940, sent from Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, Envelope, Reverse.
Artifact 1940-06-21 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman
Transcription of Artifact Content
Camp Borden, Ont.
Thurs. nite.
Dear Frances:
I received your letter the other
day & also the girls. They sure did swell in writing them too. Thanks a lot
for the box Frances. It sure was good. We just got it finished in the middle of
the week, when Johnny Burn’s wife sent him a box. He & Bob sleep with Glen
Piper & I. The four of us in our tent.
I got a letter from Glaydys
Gladys & Wilbur to-day & also one from La Verne. I sure was glad to
hear from her. She said she was talking to you before she wrote. And that you
expected coming up here this weekend. I hope you do. I’m sure counting on it.
La Verne said if I came to Cottam, to let her know & they she would
come over & see me.