Artifact 1940-06-02 (Assumed) – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Well I just got finished pealing the pineapple for supper & I put the sugar on it. You didn’t have to send sugar as there is plenty of sugar yet.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – Unknown Date, assumed June 2, 1940

Editor’s Note

Editor Note – Unknown Artifact Original Date

The actual date of this artifact is unknown because there is no envelope with postmarks, but believed to have been written during the first or second week of June, 1940.

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden

Sun. aft.

Dear Frances:

Received your parcel O.K. and also a letter Fri. & Sat. Thanks a lot for the dinner. It was really swell. I just got the parcel about nine last night. I also got one from Pearl’s sister. It was a big chocolate box full of date cake & some candy. Well I had Marshall Healey over to our tent for dinner and of course I had Glen piper stay is he and I are in the same tent. The chicken & dressing was swell, but it is so warm in the day time I thought I’d better get it ate up.

Marsh Healey got two stripes yesterday, that’s that [unknown] I was telling you about. That makes him a Corporal & Davie Davidson also got two They just got them yesterday, because they are going to Ottawa to-day on a course. They aren’t permanent unless they do exceptionally well on the course. No privates could go is the reason they had the stripes put up

Well I just got finished pealing the pineapple for supper & I put the sugar on it. You didn’t have to send sugar as there is plenty of sugar yet. Gee I don’t know how what I’m going to do for you & Elton for the way you have helped me lately. I am not sending the dollar that Elton lent to me. I sent money to Dot. to pay on the watch & then I lost 3.90 for the days I was absent.

I was going to go swimming this aft. as I don’t know have any answer C.B. calls because I’m going on guard to-nite. We only guard during the night down here. from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. then I’ll sleep all fornoon tomorrow. While I thought I’d better write to you & Onn instead of going swimming.

I wish you would let me know what LaVerne addresses is. I have an address of hers but I think she has moved since that. I have thought all week of writing to her, but forgot to ask you the address. However Frances I don’t know weather you should send meats is we don’t know how long were going to be hear. I understand the advance party is leaving Wed for England. Whether it’s so or not. But fruit & pastry wouldn’t spoil before it got here. Tell Mabel “Thanks a lot” for the tarts until I get a chance to drop her a line.

I’m sure glad someone them that the people besides my relatives think of me as I haven’t lived around there for two years. It shows what kind of people they are “Don’t it”

There is a visitors day every Sun. aft. so if you & Ryall’s feel coming up just let me know & I’ll arrange for a weekend pass. So I and can be off all duties and spend the time with you. I have a roadmap and it says Barrie is 58 miles from Toronto & we are 18 miles from Barrie & it says Windsor is 235 miles from Toronto.  I wish it weren’t so far so you could come up. However I’ll be expect to hear from you planning on it. It sure is beautiful up here & I’m beginning to like it more all the time. If it was only closer to home.

Well I think I’d better get busy at my equipment as its 2.30 now So until I hear from you again I’ll say Bye Bye

Your Loving Brother                       Harry


Don’t forget B. Coy.

on my mail after this

***   End of Transcription   ***


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