Artifact 1940-09-20 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“The boys that don’t smoke pipes use the same kind of tobacco & roll the butts into another cigarette. There is very little tobacco wasted over here.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – September 20, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Sept. 20/40

Dear Franc:-

I just finished writing to Mr. Allen’s & I thought I’d drop you a line or two before I shaved & had dinner.

The whole regt. Has gone out on a scheme. They left at eight A.M. So I stayed in bed until ten. I don’t go on duty until 1.30 So I thought I’d better write some letters.

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Artifact 40-08-23-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I just wish you could spend one week here. You would be scared skinny.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – August 23, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Aug. 23/40

Dear Sis:-

Well I’ve finally got down to writing your letter. I’ll have to write bits at a time between work. I was going to write sooner, but I guess I didn’t take the time, while I was on my leave. I want to answer La Vernes letter too.

Continue reading “Artifact 40-08-23-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-08-23 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods

“It isn’t so bad over here if my relatives & friends were here & if tobacco’s & razor blades & other necessities wer’nt so high in price.”

Letter to Miss La Verne Woods – August 23, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Aldershot, Eng.
Aug. 23/40

Dear La Verne:-

Was I ever glad to get your letter the other day. I got a bunch of them all at once. And yours was a little more welcome than either Franc’s or Peggy’s I think. Of course I guess I hear from them ofterner is why. But I’m glad to hear from them too as I can sure read a lot of letters over here.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-08-23 – Letter to Miss La Verne Woods”

Artifact 1940-07-20-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I have saw quite a number of refugees & also german prisoners.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 20, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content


Sat. Morn.

Dear Frances:-

We received some mail last nite. I got your letter that you wrote last Sun. Boy! Was I ever glad to get it. It’s the first mail we’ve received since we left camp.

You can send my mail to “Base P.O.” instead of Camp Borden from now on. Until I tell you different. I got two letters from Peggy. & on from Garnet & his folds. Peggy’s was written Sat. nite before I made the phone call. & the other Sun. nite. I haven’t got any that’s been written since Mon. yet.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-07-20-b – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-07-02 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“Although I’d like to see Peggy there. But I guess I won’t have to ask your permission. I think that you love her more than I do. And I sure do.”

Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman – July 2, 1940

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden, Ont.
Tues. nite.

Dear Frank:-

Well I guess it’s about time I got busy on your letter. I wrote Helen Irvin[s letter just before supper and then I thought I’d better get at yours.

Onnellee said She would like for Marrianne, Ross, her & I to go on a picnic, when I come home. But I told her what your said, about her coming out there. However I’ll be calling her when I arrive on Sat. & if you happen to call her before that you & her can arrange. I know you’ll want me to be with you. & I told her that. Anyway La Verne wanted me to let her know when I came down & she would get over to see me. I want to write her a letter & tell her I’ll be coming this week. End & also that I’ll call her on Sat. morn. from Windsor.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-07-02 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-06-25 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“It seemed whenever there was anything to pay, you girls dug down for it.”

Artifact 1940-06-25 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden, Ont.
Tues. nite.

Dear Frank:-

I received your letter to-day and was so glad to hear from you. I also got one from Onn. I was glad to hear you got home without any accidents as it was bad enough to get lost. I was sort of anxious to hear from you as it rained all evening Sun. up here & you had so far to drive & Ross so tired. Onn. said she drove thirty miles, if I remember right.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-06-25 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-06-21 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“We heard from Jeff & he said he had a car accide…”

Artifact 1940-06-21 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden, Ont.
Thurs. nite.

Dear Frances:

I received your letter the other day & also the girls. They sure did swell in writing them too. Thanks a lot for the box Frances. It sure was good. We just got it finished in the middle of the week, when Johnny Burn’s wife sent him a box. He & Bob sleep with Glen Piper & I. The four of us in our tent.

I got a letter from Glaydys Gladys & Wilbur to-day & also one from La Verne. I sure was glad to hear from her. She said she was talking to you before she wrote. And that you expected coming up here this weekend. I hope you do. I’m sure counting on it. La Verne said if I came to Cottam, to let her know & they she would come over & see me.

Continue reading “Artifact 1940-06-21 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman”

Artifact 1940-06-11 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

“I have had a bad cold and I went to the doctor. They said I had acute Broncitis.”

Artifact 1940-06-11 – Letter to Mrs. Elton Newman

Transcription of Artifact Content

Camp Borden
Tues. nite.

Dear Frances:

Was so glad to get your letter to-nite. I also got one from Garnet. Aunt Clara’ & John Hutzel’s G.F. Aunt Clara sent me a box yesterday with soap, shaving cream, dental cream, candy gum, and cand canned goods in in. I haven’t had a letter from Peggy since Sat. And I’m really disappointed. I can’t imagine wat whats the matter with her unless she doesn’t love me anymore. Maybe she found a new B.F B.F.

I have had a bad cold and I went to the doctor. They said I had acute Broncitis. But I think I’ll be all right in a day or two I’m glad the kids got their hair done. I’ll bet they look really nice now. After me promising it to them and then you had to do it yourself. Well if I hadn’t went in debt for that watch. I guess I could have fulfilled my promise

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